Yes, it happened. Maybe I ate something wrong. Maybe I accidentally drank the water. Something went awry, and I spent the morning running between my classes and the bathroom. No bueno.
After calling-in the last ten minutes of my last class by playing Michael Jackson and bracing myself in my chair, Eduardo and I returned home. He told Marjory I had diarrhea (which is the same in Spanish minus the "h," by the way) and they worked diligently to fix it. Bless their hearts, they made a tea of oregano, salt, sugar, and yeast (I think).
The tea was fine--I think the goal was to settle my stomach, which was a bit agitated. The problem was the rest of their treatment. Their method seemed peculiar to me. It was true for my cold as well: they suggested whiskey for a cold or cough...which always seemed to me like an excuse to drink whiskey since it actually depresses the system, and water can flush you out much better.
So today, when I was de-hydrated after losing a lot of liquid, you can understand I was quite frustrated to be told to only drink a "little water." I was to the point of fainting, and they were saying "poco a poco." I'm thinking "poco a poco? No THANK you. I think I'll attach my mouth to the spout of your Brita filter and guzzle down a quart or two."
I did take such initiative, had a little soup, and I took a nap until my Spanish tutor arrived.
It may not be a pretty story, but it's part of the experience--and it took up my whole day. I thought it would be a shame to leave you all in the dark.